陈永恒 Yongheng Chen (Ne0)

我有功于人不可念,而过则不可不念;人有恩于我不可忘,而怨则不可不忘. -- 菜根谭

Home Writeup Friend

I am a software engineer at Google.

I received my PhD from Georgia Tech, advised by Prof. Wenke Lee. My research insterest is in fuzzing, binary exploitation and program analysis.

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  1. Towards Generic Database Management System Fuzzing
    Yupeng Yang, Yongheng Chen, Rui Zhong, Jizhou Chen, and Wenke Lee.
    In Proceedings of the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX 2024)
  2. μFuzz: Redesign of Parallel Fuzzing Using Microservice Architecture [code]
    Yongheng Chen, Rui Zhong, Yupeng Yang, Hong Hu, Dinghao Wu, and Wenke Lee.
    In Proceedings of the 32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX 2023).
  3. Identifying Behavior Dispatchers for Malware Analysis
    Kyuhong Park, Burak Sahin, Yongheng Chen, Jisheng Zhao, Evan Downing, Hong Hu, and Wenke Lee.
    In Proceedings of the 16th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS 2021).
  4. One Engine to Fuzz ‘em All: Generic Language Processor Testing with Semantic Validation[code]
    Yongheng Chen, Rui Zhong(co-first author), Hong Hu, Hangfan Zhang, Yupeng Yang, Dinghao Wu and Wenke Lee.
    In Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland 2021).
  5. SQUIRREL: Testing Database Management Systems with Language Validity and Coverage Feedback. [code]
    Rui Zhong, Yongheng Chen(co-first author), Hong Hu, Hangfan Zhang, Wenke Lee and Dinghao Wu.
    In Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2020).
  6. Automated Finite State Machine Extraction.
    Yongheng Chen, Linhai Song, Xinyu Xing, Fengyuan Xu and Wenfei Wu.
    FEAST workshop@CCS’2019
  7. PT-DBG: Automatically anti-debugging bypassing based on Intel Processor Trace. (Poster)
    Guancheng Li, Yongheng Chen, Tianyi Li, Tongxin Li, Xinfeng Wu, Chao Zhang, Xinhui Han.
    In Proceedings of the 39st IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P 2018)


I play CTF a lot, and I am a member of


  1. Defcon27 Final, 10th
  2. TCTF 2019, Final 1st
  3. WCTF 2019 Master, 3rd place
  4. Real World CTF 2018 Finals, 5th place

